How To Start A Podcast

How to start a podcast

Podcasts have exploded in popularity over the last few years as individuals and brands find new ways to connect with audiences.

With more people wanting to start a podcast we break down the 3 key points to starting a podcast.

1. Have A Show Structure

It might not sound like it, but many podcasts follow a show structure that enables them to be consistent and helps create a structured conversation. When starting a podcast, you need to figure out how long you want discussions to go for. They can range from 10 minutes up to 3 hours in some cases. Once that is sorted it is a good idea to map out the body of the show and key elements that will drive the conversation.

Most podcasts start with an introduction of the guest or topic before delving into details. If the podcast is focused on a guest, take time to research them and prepare questions based on their experiences and niche skills. If the podcast is focused on a few hosts having a discussion, get each person to prepare a few talking points and let the conversation flow naturally. It is good to test different segments on a show to find out what audiences do and don’t like. This also gives them a reason to come back and listen.

2. Record Content

Your first show won’t be the best, but if you don’t record an episode, you never will. The main hurdle for most when starting a podcast is jumping on the microphone and starting. It is doubtful that your first episode will go “viral” but as you start recording you can and will improve the delivery of the content and sound/video quality of the episodes. Most podcasts use software such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Descript and Riverside. Face to face recordings tend to create a better quality podcast and you can use phones, cameras and other equipment on hand to start. As you gain traction the equipment can be upgraded with higher quality microphones, cameras, audio equipment, video switchers or by finding a studio to hire.

3. Be Consistent

People are inherently busy and usually have intentions to listen to your podcast however, if episodes are released infrequently and on random days there is a far less likely that they will listen or come back. As Alex Hormozi – business owner and investor, talks about, if you upload 21 podcasts you are in the top 1% globally. Why? Because most people aren’t consistent enough to record and publish episodes. If you have a set day to release content, stick to it. Steven Bartlett the founder and host of the Diary of a CEO podcast always releases an episode on a Monday morning for his audience. He mentioned on this podcast that when he started releasing podcasts consistently the show grew rapidly. To the point where his audience was worried when there wasn’t an episode available on Mondays. Once you are consistent with releasing episodes either daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly it is easier for listeners to make your podcast part of their routine.

To be a top 1% podcaster, you have to upload 21 podcasts.
90% don’t go past 1…
9% don’t go past 20.
1% make it to 21+
So when people say “try harder” it usually just means “don’t give up”.

The Game w/ Alex Hormozi

These are just a few suggestions to help you start a podcast. If you want more information reach out to the team at Podwave Studios who can help you get your show started.


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